In Progress
Elgar Encyclopedia of Teaching and Pedagogy in Political Science, Edited by Daniel J. Mallinson, Julia Marin Hellwege, and Joseph Roberts
Gustafson, Ashley* and Julia Marin Hellwege. “Bipartisan Legislation in Supermajority State Legislatures.” Preparing to submit.
Madelyn Blaser*, Julia Marin Hellwege, and Jenna Borseth. “Gender, Parenthood, and Crime: A Study of Perceptions of Criminals.” Preparing to submit.
Marin Hellwege, Julia and Thomas Mrozla. “College Behaviors and Perceptions of Future Careers among Social Science Students.” Preparing to submit.
Bryant, Lisa A. and Julia Marin Hellwege. “Is Time on your Side? Effects of Primary Timing on Challenger Success.” Presented at MPSA 2023.
* Student researcher
Bryant, Lisa and Julia Marin Hellwege. 2023. Campaign Donations and Surrogate Representation: Inter-district donations by and for women in Roads to Congress 2022.
Marin Hellwege, Julia, Cohl Turnquist, Aaron Vlasman, and Bess Seaman. forthcoming. "Teamwork Makes the (Research) Dream Work: Lessons in Working With a Student Research Team" in Aligning Teaching and Research: Work Smarter, Not Harder. Butcher, Charity, Tavishi Bhasin, Maia Hallward, and Elizabeth Gordon, eds. Palgrave Macmillan.
Marin Hellwege, Julia and Thomas Mrozla. 2023. “Gendered Student Perceptions of Public Service Careers.” Journal of Public Affairs Education.
Kevin G. Lorentz II, Daniel J. Mallinson, Julia Marin Hellwege, Davin Phoenix, and J. Cherie Strachan, eds. 2022. Strategies for Navigating Graduate School and Beyond. APSA Press.
This book is available for free online, or you may purchase a print-on-demand hard copy.
Featured on New Books in Political Science Podcast with Lilly Goren
Julia Marin Hellwege and Lindsey Cormack. "Writing 'Home' in a Pandemic: Gendered Frames in Congressional COVID-19 Communications." The Forum.
Julia Marin Hellwege. 2022. “Review of The PhD Parenthood Trap: Caught between Work and Family in Academia by Kerry F Crawford and Leach C. Windsor. Georgetown University Press.” Book Review. Journal of Political Science Education.
Marin Hellwege, Julia and Ed Gerrish. 2021. “Strategic Behavior in State Multi-Member Districts: Does Fielding One Candidate Offer a Notable Advantage?” Legislative Studies Quarterly.
Julia Marin Hellwege, Thomas Mrozla, and Keenan Knutelski. 2021. “Gendered Perceptions of Procedural (In)Justice in Police Encounters." Police Practice and Research.
Mallinson, Daniel, Julia Marin Hellwege, and Eric Loepp, eds. 2021. Handbook of Political Research Pedagogy. Palgrave McMillan.
Emily M. Farris, Andrea Malji, and Julia Marin Hellwege. 2021. “Supporting Junior Women: Strategies for Men Colleagues.” PS: Politics & Political Science.
Julia Marin Hellwege. 2021. “Good Reasons to Run: Women and Political Candidacy edited by Shauna L. Shames, Rachel I Bernhard, Mirya R. Holman, and Dawn Langan Teele. Philadelphia, Temple University Press.” Book Review. Perspectives on Politics. Vol. 19(1): 279-80.
Thomas Mrozla and Julia Marin Hellwege. 2020. “Gender Composition and Agency Decision-making: Female Officers’ Effect on Bodyworn Camera Acquisition.” Policing: An International Journal. Vol. 43(4):625-641.
William O’Brochta and Julia Marin Hellwege. 2020. “Teaching Research, Writing, and Information Literacy: Track Summary.” PS: Political Science & Politics. Vol. 53(3).
Bryant, Lisa A., and Julia Marin Hellwege. 2019. “Working Mothers Represent: How Children Affect the Legislative Agenda of Women in Congress”. American Politics Research. Vol. 47(3): 447-470.
Awarded the Hahn-Sigelman Award for the best paper published in APR in 2019.
Featured in The Monkey Cage, R Street Institute's- LegBranch Blog, and LSE's-USAPP Blog
Marin Hellwege, Julia. 2019. “Left to Their Own Devices: A Student-Centered Approach to Civic Engagement”. Journal of Political Science Education.
Diamond-Welch, Bridget K., Julia Marin Hellwege, and Olivia Mann. 2018. “Blame Avoidance & Transgender Individuals’ Attributions About Rape: Unpacking Gendered Assumptions in Defensive Attribution Research”. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Kimberly R. Huyser, Jillian Medeiros, Vickie Ybarra, Julia Marin Hellwege, and Lisa M. Sanchez. 2018. “Differential Influence of the Great Recession on Political Participation among Race and Ethnic Groups”. Social Science Quarterly. Vol. 99 (2):512-523.
Julia Marin Hellwege, Jeremy Bowling, and Andrew Gonzalez. 2017. “Civic Engagement Across the Disciplines and Across the Campus: Track Summary”. PS: Political Science & Politics. Vol. 50(3):849-851.
Julia Marin Hellwege and Christine M. Sierra. “Advantages and Disadvantages for Latina Officeholders: The Case of New Mexico”. 2016. In Latinas in American Politics: Shaping the Future of American Politics. Navarro, Sharon A., Samantha L. Hernandez & Leslie A. Navarro, eds. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Julia Marin Hellwege. 2014. “Review Essay on Women’s Legislative Representation”. Politics, Groups, and Identities. Vol. 2 (4).