Intro to
Poli Sci
This course is designed to introduce students to the discipline of political science, as well as to the political science major. The course will provide an overview of the major subfields of political science (political theory, international relations, comparative politics, and American politics) as well as public policy and public administration.
Welcome to PoliSci 101
This is a class designed for incoming Political Science majors
Click to view the syllabus for PoliSci 101 for Fall 2021
Here are some of the resources and activities for Poli Sci 101 that I've created and/or used:
Eco Ocean Game- on overfishing to discuss tragedy of the commons
This video on the Prisoner's Dilemma
A list of political issues
Crossword on foundations of Politics and Political Science
A list of top ten jobs for Poli Sci majors by the Balance Careers
This "Questions on Questions" Vortex game
Which Plato Character Type are You? <-- Try this BuzzFeed quiz to see how you fit with the Platonic motivations
Public Service Colloquium 2021