General Resources
This page includes resources that are for general use (students & colleagues), such as active learning based activities that you can use for for a variety of classes and occasions
Critical Thinking/Discussion Activities
ClassTools (game creators, etc.)
Active Learning in Political Science
Acting / role playing / improv (dramatization)Active reviewAnalyze historical photographsAnalyze historical written documentsAnalyzing a FilmAnalyzing Original DataApple of the eyeArt (painting, drawing, photography)Assembly lineAssigning roles in a teamAttending some functionBeach ballBoard gameBracketologyBrainstorming ActivitiesBuild a ModelBuild ModelsCase studiesCase studyCategorizing in as many categories as possibleCitizen scienceClickerCollaborative researchCollecting examples of a concept (e.g., bug collection)Collecting Original DataCommunity-based learningComparing Data SetsCompetitionCompetitionsConcept MappingConduct ExperimentsContestsCookingCooperative learningCreate a Case StudyCreate a MapCreate a Newspaper/MagazineCreate a pictureCreate a PosterCreate a TimelineCreate a WebsiteCreate artCreate musicCreate political cartoonsCreating Cartoons/ComicsCreating Data TablesCreating Essay Exam QuestionsCreating Meme Using Class ConceptsCreating SurveysCreating videoCreative writingCritical appraisal of the literature CATCritiqueCross-wordDebateDeep reflection journalDemonstrationDesign an ExhibitDeveloping a proposal (formative)Digital StorytellingDirect experienceDiscussionDiscussion groups large and smallDouble-groupDramaDramatic PerformancesEntry ticketsExamination of primary documentsExit ticketsExperimentsField experienceField tripsFill in the timelineFilm-makingFlipped classroomsFocus groupsFund raisingGallery walkGallery WalksGame Based LearningGamesGamingGoogle docsGoogle mapGroup CollaborationGroup QuizGuest speakerGuest SpeakersGuided imageryHands-onHands-on manipulationHistorical reenactmentHosting a Campus Event/Community EventIDEAfestIdentifying functions or solutions of thing/concept (e.g., rope game)Imaginative writingImmersionImprovIndependent ReadingInteractive lectureInternshipInternship journalInternships/PracticumInterpretative methodsInterviewInterviewingInterviewing (qualitative)JeopardyJigsawJournalingJournallingLab activitiesLab sessionsLeading a ConferenceLearning in extreme situations (survival simulation)Lesson planLive examplesLow-stake testingMake a blogMake a budgetMake websiteMake your own testMaking propsMentoringMicro-boardMock CongressMock JuryMock TrialModeling a behavior or conceptMonopolyMovement (e.g., exercise or movement) & musicMusic/RecitalsNearpodNegotiationObservationOne Minute PapersOne-min Reflection journalsOnline discussionOnline discussion boardOnline gameOrganizing or planning an event (learning-based)Pair-teachingPeer feedbackPeer ModelPeer reviewPeer teachingPen palPerformancePin the tail (on constitution…)PodcastingPoetry readingPogilPoster presentationPresentationPresentationsPresentingPresenting at a ConferencePresidential campaignPrisoner’s dilemma gameProblem solvingProblem-based learningProcess scavenger huntProducing a productProject-based learningPublic Service AnnouncementsQ&AQ&QQuestion-driven lectureQuiz BowlRead Historical fictionReaders theaterReadiness assurance processReading Applied LiteratureReading Oral HistoryReflectionReplication Experiments in the ClassroomReplication of a process with limited materials (volcano, rocket)Research projectResearch-based learningReverse roleRole playRole PlayingRound Robin ActivitiesRube GoldbergsScavenger huntScavenger HuntsSelf-discovery /Service learningSimulationSkype interviewSmall group discussionSmall groupsSpeachStorytelling (oral and digital)Student Generated Active Learning TechniquesStudent question writingStudents teach somethingStudy GroupsSubmit for PublicationTalking circleTeaching others / explaining to othersTeam Based LearningTeam projectsTeam-based learningTelling storiesText scavenger huntThink-pair-shareThree, Two, One'sTime bombtrashketableTraveling, camping, exploringTrial and errorTrust falseUnit planUse artUse musicUse political cartoonsVideo PresentationsVisit historical sitesVisit museumsVoter turnoutWater, water everywhereWhole class discussionWhole class simulation (write a new constitution)Write a PoemWrite historical fictionWrite letters to peopleWriting (essay, drama, poetry, etc.)Writing a PlayWriting StoriesCreative Info Sharing
Powtoon- videos & presentations
Germán Rodríguez Stata Tutorial
EGAP- Reading a Regression Table
Baglione, "Writing a Research Paper in PS" companion site
Journal of Political Science Education
Raul Pacheco's organizational/ writing/reading resources
Cornell Center for Teaching Innovation
Schrock's Guide to Everything (teaching)
Active Learning w/ Physical Distancing - Sketch game (Create Private Room) (engaged reading)
A helpful tool for reading empirical journal articles
Sheet sorting in-class from out-of class activities for easier semester planning
Sheet for students to log and reflect on participation over the semester